There are two types of boaters when it comes to the best boating spots in the world. The first type believes that there are certain places in which conditions – from weather to water quality to local culture – make for the most idyllic boating locations. These people are realists, and understand that some places are simply more suitable for boating than others.
The other type of boater says: “wherever you can find water is your best spot for boating.” No matter which type of person you are, you’re guaranteed to find some beautiful places to boat this summer. And even if you’re like the latter type of boater, you can always travel to make sure that the nearest water and the hottest boating spots actually become one in the same. Here are a few of the top boating spots this summer.
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Seattle, Washington is beautiful in the summer, and many people believe that it’s one of the top boating spots because of the abundance of protected salt water. That salt water lies between mountains, forest inlets, and all sorts of beautiful peninsulas that make for spectacular sights and sounds. What’s more, Seattle is rated as a “5 for 5” for boating ease, which means that you don’t have to be an expert to enjoy this kind of boating. With Seattle’s beautiful landscapes and abundant marinas, you’ll find it a gorgeous and restful place to boat this summer.
Corpus Christi
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Many people across the nation forget about Texas’ beautiful coastline along the Gulf of Mexico when it comes to boating. Corpus Christi offers beautiful sites, waterside towns, as well as barrier islands. There’s plenty of area for boating, of course, but there’s also plenty to do if you happen to be in the Corpus Christ area. Corpus Christi also includes the idyllic Padre Island National Seashore, which helps preserve much of the natural beauty of the coastline.
Tampa Bay
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On the other side of the Gulf of Mexico – which is no coincidence when it comes to beautiful boating – you’ll find Tampa Bay. There’s a reason the city of Tampa has flourished in this area. There’s plenty of available water front, there’s plenty of boat access even for visitors, and you’d be amazed at just how much sailing and boating have ingratiated themselves into the local economies.
Lake Champlain
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Any inland boater knows that you don’t need seaside access to have a great time boating. Lake Champlain is an example of that simply by looking at all that it has going on, from upstate New York to Vermont. It’s a beautiful location in the summer, with warm temperatures and mild nights, fresh landscapes, and an open breeze that makes boating anywhere else feel positively stuffy by comparison.
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