Maintaining a boat is about more than checking for leaks. A
true boat enthusiast pays attention to every little detail, every line, every
curve of their boat.
Of course, even the truest of true boat enthusiasts don’t
actually have the time or the money to pay attention to every little thing
going on with their boat. That’s why it’s important to focus on the most
crucial aspects of boat maintenance—and the tools that can accomplish most of
the jobs you’ll face.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at five essential boat
tools you can’t afford to ignore.
1. The Emergency Repair Kit. If
you own a boat, you have to be ready for anything at anytime. That’s why
emergency repair kits are so essential. Admittedly, this emergency repair kit
is more than just one tool: it actually includes a stainless steel scrubber, an
applicator, a patch, and Life Calk®. Whether or not you have to deal with an emergency, an
emergency repair kit of this caliber is always a good idea to have on hand.
2. Powder Cleaner & Stain Remover for Fiberglass. There’s nothing quite
like a big contrasting stain to put a hamper on how you feel about your boat.
With a stain firmly on your boat, you’ll feel like it’s never clean. But a
stainless boat—well, that’s a different story entirely. That’s why we recommend
the Fiberglass Powder Cleaner & Stain Remover, you’ll be able to maintain a
clean, sleek, modern look without having to worry about telling your guests to
be too careful.
3. Release Adhesive & Sealant Remover. Why is the pencil such an effective
tool? For one, it’s simple. But it also features an eraser. Sometimes, you find that you need an equivalent of an
eraser in other areas of life. This tool is as close as it gets. Release
Adhesive & Sealant Remover helps you remove cured sealants to make any
necessary repairs. It works on dissolving residue from decals, tapes, and labels, as
well, ensuring that you have a clean-looking boat no matter what’s been stuck
to it.
4. Git-Rust. In
addition to stains, there might be no greater enemy to a sleek, modern-looking
boat than a bit of rust. It helps to nip rust in the butt. Git-Rust does exactly
that, removing loose rust as well as paint flakes. Use a small brush to apply
the product to your boat and you can really have a smooth finish in no time.
5. Fiberglass Rubbing Compound. Given just how many boats are made of
fiberglass these days, you can do worse than to have Fibgerglass Rubbing
Compound on hand. Not only will it allow you to keep your fiberglass finish restored
and looking new, but it removes oxidation and stains. That’s something you’ll
need if your boat is to look new every season.