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Boat Canvas Repair Tips

marine canvas placed over boat

The marine canvas you use on your boat can be invaluable.
Not only will it protect you from the sun, but it can protect your boat when
you’re not around. That is, of course, unless the canvas itself is damaged. But
how do you repair something that’s supposed to protect the rest of your boat?
Here are a few boat canvas repair tips to help ensure your boat remains
protected from UV rays, precipitation, and debris.

Inspecting the Canvas
for Problems

Step one: identification. You need to properly diagnose any
potential problems before you move forward. If you can spot these problems
before small holes become large tears, you’ll be able to clean up problematic
areas with minimal damage to the look of your canvas. Here are a few tips for
discovering problems with your boat canvas:

To make your boat canvas repair inspection more convenient,
include it in your regular boat maintenance checklist. It shouldn’t add much
time to your routine. This small investment of time could yield significant
results in preventing bigger problems, helping to avoid the need to replace the
entire canvas.

Repairing Your Boat

Most boating experts will tell you to “patch” your damaged
canvas. But how do you go about this? Here are a few boat canvas repair tips to
help you make sense of the process:

A well-maintained canvas can help protect your boat. But
don’t rely on canvas alone. Want to ensure your boat has the proper seals and
caulks to keep it water-tight while you repair your canvas? Make sure to visit
our Caulks & Sealants
section today!

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